General Discipline

General Discipline

Discipline, both in personal and professional matters, is essential for the success of any student. The following guidelines will help in maintaining discipline on campus and they shall be adhered to by all.

  • Courteous behaviour, an essential ingredient of professional Competence, is expected from all. Dishonesty, obscenity in word or act or any other acts of misconduct will invite disciplineary action.
  • Students shall wear the prescribed uniform whenever on campus, Students are expected to be dressed neatly and have their hairstyles in conformity with the norms of decency and propriety..
  • Students shall wear the ID cards while on the campus.
  • Students should not loiter in the corridors or on the campus during class hours. They should make use of their free time by using the Library, Computer facilities or other facilities for extra-curricular activities.
  • Absence from internal examination, non-submission of assignments, frequent absence from classes, etc., will be reported to the parents and if not corrected, may lead to discontinuance from the programme.
  • Students, if they have any grievance and personal problems shall bring them to the notice of the Class Tutor or the College authorities individually; but should not have recourse to collective complaints or petitions to anybody within or outside the College.
  • Students are forbidden from attending or organizing any meeting in the College or in its premises or collecting money for any purpose without the permission of the authority.
  • Political activity in any form, under any banner is not permitted in the campus.
  • Wilful damages to property and equipment will have to be compensated. For pasting of posters and notices on wall or disfiguring the building and campus, in any form, are forbidden.
  • Students organizing tours on their own accord without teachers accompanying them is banned. Any act contrary to this rule will invite strict disciplinary action.